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Nigerian Dwarf Goats

Brownwood Nigerian Dwarf Goats is located near the village of Oak Hill, nestled in the gently rolling hills of Southeastern Ohio. We are a small homestead farm that has been raising Nigerian Dwarf Goats since 2019.


Our goal is to raise healthy, happy goats who are beautiful and friendly. We sell our goats for show, 4-H, breeding, backyard milkers, and as wonderful pets. 


At Brownwood, our goats thrive on great nutrition, fresh air, and lots of daily love and attention. Indeed, they are cherished members of our family. 

We strive to maintain a healthy, clean herd.

We test our herd for CAE, CL, and Johne’s Disease. The test results on 11-8-21 were negative for each of our goats!


In order to ensure our goats remain healthy, we maintain a “closed” herd.

Any does that are added to our herd are from doelings that were born on our farm. Any buck that we may bring in will be tested before joining the herd.


About Our Goats

Nigerian Dwarf Goats are the most popular and fastest growing dairy breed of goats!
We chose Nigerians for many great reasons!
Nigerian Dwarf Goats are a dairy breed. Considering their small size, they produce a surprising amount of milk. They can produce about a quart of delicious milk per day. In fact, their milk has the highest amount of butterfat content of all goat breeds. It is creamier and sweeter, and it is considered the best tasting milk! Their milk makes the best cheeses, soaps and lotions!


Nigerian Dwarf Goats make excellent pets! If you are not interested in breeding or milk, and you simply want a wonderful pet, Nigerians can be a great choice. They are wonderful companions and so much fun! They love to be a part of whatever you are doing. Wethers (castrated males) make perfect pets! They are usually the friendliest and most loving. They don’t have the hormone issues of does or bucks, so they are easy-going guys!


Nigerians are small in size. The average adult weight is about 60-75 pounds, making them easier to handle, especially for women and children. And because of their small size, they are easier to keep, requiring less space and feed. 
Nigerians have sweet, friendly personalities, They enjoy attention and they form strong bonds with their people and their herd. They thrive on daily routine, and they will anticipate what will happen next. They are extremely intelligent and curious! They don't miss a trick!
They are playful and fun-loving, especially enjoying anything they can jump up on!
Nigerians are endlessly amusing and delightful!


Some of our goats


©2021 by Brownwood Farms Nigerian Dwarf Goats. 

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